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Real Skills Real Jobs

Bar Tending Course

A 17 weeks Bar tendering course, only one night per week. Learn up to 25 different cocktails and spirit mixes. Make 16 cocktails under 6 minutes. Learn all about customers service while operating a bar.

Start on Monday,  1st  February 2016 from 6pm to 9 pm.

Stand OUT from the Crowd in Customer Service

At HCHIT (Samoa) we offering a 12 weeks of quality training in customer service. Its starts Tuesday, 19th January 2016 on Tuesday night from 6 pm.


Certificate I, II and III in Hospitality

Training in the Hospitality sector in a range of routine and hospitality work activities. Work under close supervision and complete the tasks. Learn knowledge and skills for initial work, community involvement and further learning.

Ready to learn the secrets in customer service training for the management and staff


Qualified Teacher who hold Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (Australian Qualification) and Certificate III, II and I in Hospitality


Stand OUT and show how to demonstrate a professional standard in customer service to increase business to client and employment for yourself.


Call HCHIT (Samoa) on 77 55 174

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